
Where is Jenna Oakley now? Whereabouts explored ahead of See No Evil on ID

Jenna Oakley was the Danville teen who, along with her then-boyfriend Kenneth Nigh, stabbed her stepmother Rhonda to death because she did not approve of their relationship. The couple then took the victim's car and went on the run for a couple of days before their arrest at a New Mexico motel. Kenneth soon hanged himself and died at a hospital a few weeks later. Meanwhile, Jenna pleaded guilty.

Rhonda Oakley, 52, was found stabbed to death in the basement of their Danville, Kentucky, home on September 1, 2016, after returning home from an out-of-town conference. Jenna later admitted that she spent the previous day with Kenneth and, on the day of the murder, got into an argument with Rhonda that escalated, and the couple attacked and killed her.

According to reports, Jenna Oakley pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter and theft and was sentenced to consecutive terms of ten years and five years in prison. She is currently serving time at the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women in Pewee Valley.

See No Evil on ID revisits Rhonda Oakley's stabbing murder in an episode titled Cruel Love. The synopsis reads:

"In Kentucky, 13-year-old David Oakley comes home to find his stepmother murdered and his 15-year-old sister Jenna missing; Police race to piece together a killer's video trail, only to uncover a brutal plot."

The upcoming episode will air on the channel this Wednesday, May 3, at 6 pm ET.

Jenna Oakley pleaded guilty to manslaughter in stepmother's 2016 stabbing death at their Danville home

Jenna Oakley, of Danville, Kentucky, murdered her 52-year-old stepmother Rhonda at the family's home in September 2016, before stealing her Honda Civic and driving to New Mexico with lover Kenneth Nigh. She pleaded guilty to manslaughter and theft in January 2019 and was handed ten and five years, respectively. Both sentences are to be served consecutively.

Reports state that Jenna committed the murder when she was only 15 years old. Her former boyfriend Kenneth Nigh, 20, was also charged over Rhonda’s death but died of injuries sustained after trying to kill himself while in custody in a detention cell in New Mexico. Kenneth left a suicide note claiming full responsibility for the murder and, in a way, absolving Jenna.

According to reports, Jenna Oakley is currently serving her sentence at the Kentucky Correctional Institution for Women in Pewee Valley.

Jenna Oakley admitted that an argument with her stepmother escalated, after which she and her boyfriend attacked the 52-year-old

Rhonda Oakley, 52, was found stabbed to death in the basement of their Danville, Kentucky, home on September 1, 2016. Authorities initiated a nation-wide hunt for Jenna Oakley when she failed to come home the night of the murder. She and her 20-year-old boyfriend, Kenneth Nigh, reportedly stole Rhonda's car and fled the state. They were tracked to a Tucumcari, New Mexico, motel and arrested.

Jenna eventually confessed to the murder, saying she stayed with her boyfriend the day before the murder, but when her stepmother returned home from her conference the next day, they got into an argument, which escalated into a physical altercation.

Jenna claimed that Kenneth attacked the 52-year-old and knocked her unconscious. As per her confession, the 15-year-old and her boyfriend then stabbed Rhonda multiple times and fled the scene.

Learn more about the case on ID's See No Evil this Wednesday at 6 pm ET.

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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-06-02