What to do with Phoenix Plumes in Lost Ark
There are many items in Lost Ark that can help a player during their quest. Some of them help to keep the player alive, such as potions. One of these items, the Phoenix Plumes, takes effect after the player has died. It can resurrect players where they died, instead of sending them all the way back to the beginning or to a nearby settlement. Here is how players can use them.
What players can do with Phoenix Plumes in Lost Ark
Players can collect Phoenix Plumes to give themselves the ability to resurrect after a death. These items are in the form of feathers that players keep on them in order to use them. Players will be given the option of using them or not upon death, and if they choose to do so, they will be brought back to life at the place they died, rather than back at the beginning. Therefore, players should have these at all times.
Phoenix Plumes are not available in end-game content
For players looking for an easier way to progress through end-game content, unfortunately, the Phoenix Plumes do not work in events like Abyssal raids and Legion raids. This is not to say that players should not carry Phoenix Plumes, but once players fall in one of these end-game activities, they cannot resurrect themselves. Phoenix Plumes are a quality of life item for other times, however.
Quality of life items such as the Phoenix Plume
Saving the time of running back after a death, or in dungeons if a player dies and doesn't use one, they will abandon the activity, these can be reasons to use a Phoenix Plume. Such situations in Lost Ark can be improved by having one on a player, but players should not ever think that it is a 100% required item. Hence, if a player does not have any, it's not the end of the world.
How to acquire Phoenix Plumes
Players can obtain Phoenix Plumes in a few different ways. Generally, they are rewarded for completing tasks and completing side quests. Ways of obtaining them include rewards from the Adventurer's Journal, rewards for Rapport, and for completing challenges, both weekly and daily. Players can also purchase them from the traveling merchants who are located inside the fortress.
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