
Supernatural's Misha Collins: "You Are Not Alone"

There’s always been something special about Misha Collins and the SPN family.

On February 9th, the forty-one year old actor who plays Castiel on Supernatural posted the following video on his social media accounts. Alongside it, Misha wrote “I have some plumber’s crack and a message for you, #SPNFamily…

Misha’s message? Written neatly in the sand, he tells his fans without speaking that they’re not alone.

To people outside of the Supernatural fandom, this video may not seem like much. But to people who know Misha, to people who watch him every week on The CW, these four words mean so much more.

The SPN family holds an important catchphrase: “Always Keep Fighting”, although it’s sometimes shortened to #AKF. The cast has done a few clothing campaigns with it, with that money going to various charities. They also bring the three-word sentence up fairly often, constantly reminding their fans to not give up.

This constantly reoccurring phrase doesn’t do nothing. Those three words let every single fan know that the cast is rooting for them. That the people that they look up to, the people they admire, want them to get through whatever they’re facing. The Supernatural cast doesn’t have to offer all this support, but they do.

Misha posting this video is another wonderful way he is reaching out. It’s another way for him to show his support to the people who support him. It’s another way for him to show that he’s still here, and that he doesn’t plan on going anywhere.

It may only be twenty-nine seconds long, but his simple message will surely be remembered by the ones who needed to hear it.

Are you a fan of Supernatural? What’s your opinion on Misha Collins? Tell us in the comments below, or tweet us @CelebMix.


Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-04-21