
Read the text from wife Ellie that got Aussie motocross legend Chad Reed up out of a hospital bed

BEHIND every great man is a great woman, so the old saying goes. Well, behind Australian motorcross legend Chad Reed is his wife Ellie.

The pair met at a party when they were 16 and have been together practically ever since.

In 2001, when they were 18, Ellie chose Chad over university, travelling to Europe when Reed scored a paying ride in World Motocross Championship.

She has been with him through the highs of multiple race wins and titles across the globe, with their two young kids Kiah and Tate in tow. She was his rock when Reed was badly hurt in a race crash in 2012 and struggled through 2013.

This week, social media has given us an insight into just how big a part their dynamic has played in driving him to the giddying heights of his chosen pursuit.

News_Image_File: Reed revelling in his second victory of 2014.

The 2014 season started with Reed back on his game, winning two rounds of the AMA Supercross Championship to sit just two points off the title lead.

Then came this crash on the last lap at the San Diego round last weekend.

News_Rich_Media: Chad Reed's last-lap crash at San Diego AMA SX

Feeling sore and sorry in a hospital bed the morning after his crash, Reed awoke to find the following text on his phone from Ellie.

It was just the jolt he needed. Lacking confidence in the doctors at the hospital he had been taken to, he checked himself out and went to a trusted doctor at another hospital.

Scans would eventually pick up a fractured T1 vertebrae, collarbone and shoulderblade - injuries serious enough to force most mortals to weeks of bed rest.

But that’s not what champions do. Reed plans on racing at the next AMA round at Dallas this weekend.

News_Image_File: Reed flying high at Anaheim.

“[Ellie] @mrstwotwo has been my rock for over half my life she knows how to pick me up and motivate me to snap out of it,” Chad said in the message that accompanied his Instagram pic.

“Reading her txt I was thinking this chicks crazy!! I’m hurting! Than I walked slowly outta the hospital after checking myself out.

“Babe thank you for being you!”

Not everyone saw Ellie’s message the same way. Reed, a prolific Tweeter and Instagrammer, innocently posted a pic of the text message on Instagram.

The post sparked a small backlash from some social media users, eliciting this series of tweets from Ellie.

Just an FYI... When I sent that text to Chad no one at that hospital had told him anything was broken. Hence getting him to get out & go see

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

His proper Dr. To get real answers so we could move forward. I have been with Chad for 16yrs so go fly a kite people. I know what he

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

Can and can't handle. I know what drives him . What motivates him & I also know how much he has put into this.

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

Not everyone can be an athlete. This is clear. Not is everyone married to one. You don't get it- don't try to get it and don't judge.

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

When he got news of his actual injuries we decided to stick to our goal of Dallas. Bc nothing helps the body heal like having a goal in

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

Front of you. So what if he can't race. At least he will know he did everything he could & didn't just walk away. That's who we are.

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

We aren't going to cry on the sidelines we are going to work our asses off day and night to be back as soon as possible.

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

We have been around a long time for a reason. The love , the drive and making smart decisions. chad knows what he can do.

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

I would rather have a goal in front of me to try and achieve than no goals at all.

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

His Health is ALWAYS the number 1 priority!

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 11, 2014

Regardless of whether or not Reed is physically able to get back in the saddle for Dallas, Reed will have his biggest fans and supporters by his side.

So I guess Gods plan was for kids & I to go to Dallas this year. Just booked our flights. #meetyouindallas22 #ValentinesDay #inGodsHands ❤️

— Ellie Reed (@mrstwotwo) February 10, 2014

Follow the pair on social media here:

Instagram: CRTwoTwo, MrsTwoTwo

Twitter: @CRTwoTwo, @MrsTwoTwo


Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-06-07