Porsha Williams Shows Off Her Perfect Post-Pregnancy Body And Reveals Her Secret!

Porsha Williams looks stunning and in such great shape only months after giving birth to her first baby, daughter Pilar Jhena! The reality star took to her social media platform to share a mirror selfie vid in which she was wearing an LBD.
And that’s not all! Porsha not only flaunted her perfect figure but she also wanted to share her secret – as far as losing the pregnancy weight is concerned – with her many followers.
That being said, she wrote in the caption that: ‘I have def been taking my time when it comes to losing my baby weight. I am big on enjoying every single step of this experience and I didn’t want to cloud it with worrying about my size. I have thoroughly been enjoying motherhood and making PJ priority number one! However lately I’ve decided to start eating healthy and drinking a gang of water and I actually can see some early changes in my body.’
The new mom who gave birth back in March, went on to say that: ‘I really don’t believe in the snapback thing for me too much or put pressure on myself… I’m just celebrating me starting to FEEL like myself again after childbirth. I still don’t think I’m ready to start working out so I’ll probably wait another month to get in the gym so for now it’s just portion control and good food choices.’
Of course, the celeb also made sure to share a positive message.
Porsha encouraged other new moms out there to just love their bodies, no matter how much they change during pregnancy, and no matter the stage they are in when it comes to their weight-loss journey after giving birth.
The reason? They are true ‘warriors’ who’ve done a ‘miracle’ – created new life!