Miranda Lambert - Gunpowder and Lead Lyrics Meaning

This song is about an abusive relationship where a woman's husband/boyfriend went to jail for domestic violence. He is out on bail and she decides to take the law into her own hands and shoot him. She feels guilty about this, as she says "if i'm right we're headed straight to hell", but also asserts that her abusive partner is also going to hell. She knows that she is smaller and weaker than him and she plans to "show him what little girls are made of". She has become empowered by her shotgun but also scared, as she is presumably drinking "liquid courage" and smoking in order to feel better about what she is about to do. She compares her gun to his fists, "His fist is big, but my gun's bigger", showing that her "gunpowder and lead" gives her the strength she needs to overpower her abuser.