
Law & Order SVU Recap 05/11/23: Season 21 Episode 21 Bad Things

Law & Order SVU Recap 05/11/23: Season 21 Episode 21 "Bad Things"

Tonight on NBC Law & Order SVU returns with an all-new Thursday, May 11, 2023 episode and we have your Law & Order SVU recap below. In tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 24 episode 21 “Bad Things,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Benson and Carisi are baffled when a series of assaults have the same M.O. but different DNA at each crime scene. Muncy believes Elias Olsen has struck again and is determined to prove it.”

Tonight’s Law & Order SVU season 24 episode 21 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 9 PM – 10 PM ET for our Law & Order SVU recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Law & Order SVU recaps, spoilers, news & more!

Tonight’s Law & Order SVU recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s Law & Order SVU episode begins with the weekend, Benson says so much for that, a tourist raped in their hotel room and Finn says bad news travels fast. The victim is Kate Wallace, she is 32, Velasco says she is there for a Broadway weekend. They go to the hotel, Finn says the guy is dumb, a Time Square hotel.

Kate says she and her mom went to a Broadway show, they got back after dinner, midnight. Her mom went to bed and she went to the hotel bar, she got back at three, he was in the room waiting for her. He was black, average height, weight, wore a condom. He called her Kate, he knew her name. He took a selfie while he was raping her. Benson tells her they are going to do a rape kit and do everything they can to find this guy.

We see a woman, she is running with her dog, when something catches the dogs attention, it is a man, and seems to be buried under ground. Muncy is there and they man can barely talk, he says his name is Mark Reed and he has been there for weeks, the only thing he said to the jogger was “I’ll be Good.” There are lots of red licorice rappers all around the wooded area, and he had wire around his nuts.

Back to the hotel, turns out that a clerk at the front desk gave the rapist the key to Kate’s room, he said he was her boyfriend and the clerk didn’t check it out, he knew her name and her room number, he was black and wasn’t scary. Velasco tells her he wouldn’t count on a career in hotel management.

At the hospital, Mark Reed is dead. Muncy calls Benson to tell her and she thinks this is a case of Elias Olsen, the “I’ll be good,” and the candy wrappers. Benson tells her not to get ahead of herself. Reed’s wife, Shelly Reed filed a missing persons report a month ago, she is not he way to identify the body.

In the elevator shaft a used condom is found. Velasco says there is a report of another rape, Finn replies that the guy must be n Viagra or something.

Sweet Mint Tea House, a young lady name Evie Quinn opened up the business, a man asked to come in and she let him. Hey show him a photo of the guy who raped Katie, she says it is the same guy, and he used a condom too. He knew her, he called her by her name and he took a selfie while he was raping her. Furthermore, a customer named Billy who has been hitting on her, was watching from the window.

Finn and Velaso find Billy, they ask about Evie, he acts all innocent, says he looked in the window, but he only saw his reflection in the glass.

Finn says they are looking at an assault pattern, the knowing the victims names and the selfies.

Office of the Chief Medical Examiner who says that Mark Reed had the wire wrapped around his testicles, but that didn’t kill him. He died of malnutrition, he was only fed candy for a month and he didn’t digest it. His wife shows up, she is shocked to see her husband. He went missing after their god daughter’s baptism, he went into the city to Vasuviu Bakery. She said they really loved each other. Muncy is furious, she tells Churlish she knows it is Olsen.

Benson says two of the victims, Kate and Darlene, both broke with their boyfriends a week before they were raped. Benson is with Carisi and he reveals that he is going to be a father again.

They go see Darlene, she says she was doing a showing, she is a real estate agent. Same MO as the other women, she says her breakup with her boyfriend was a little more than that, she didn’t show up for the wedding. She realized that Greg was not nice and she trusted her gut. But, they are ok now. She called him after the rape, he was so supportive, he told her to keep the ring after that.

Churlish and Muncy head to the bakery, the owner remembers Mark and says he was outside talking to a big guy. Muncy shows a photo of Elias Olsen and he recognizes him as the man Mark was speaking to.

Emerson Hill Construction, Benson and Carisi go see Darlene’s ex, Benson asks about the engagement ring, seems pretty extravagent, but he says it was nothing.

Mark was found in a cage, looks like a serous welder did it. Muncy gets a sample of something Elias welded, and wants to know if their signature match, they do.

Velasco and Finn visit another victim, she is a nanny and got assaulted on the job, her name is Maria Vargas. She says the parent went out to dinner, kids were in bed and there was a knock on the door. She opened it a crack, he had a knife and told her if she made a noise he would kill the kids. He took her ID out of he bag like he was making sure it was her. At the end of the assault, he took a selfie. Brooklyn SVU said they found a match but it couldn’t be him, he had been in Green Haven for years. She is single, except for Derek, the father of the last family she was a nanny for, he came on to her, they hooked up once, she quit the next day and she blocked his number.

They head to Derek Sully’s office, he says he screwed up and was trying to call her to apologize, he will take a lie detector test, and a DNA sample.

Benson tells Carisi that Rose Bergman was raped in the parking lot of her pschiatrist office, she recently filed for divorce from Harvey Bergman.

Benson speaks to Rose, she initiated the divorce proceedings but has reconciled with Harvey because he has changed. Carisi speaks to Harvey and he says he was out of town when his wife was raped.

Carsisi tells Benson that her s doubting himself as a father, she gives him words of encouragement and tells him he got this.

Churlish and Muncy do some investigating and find that their welder is staying int he basement of a church. They head there and they find him. Elias. He has a hammer in his hand and is threatening to go after Muncy, she talks him down. She gets him to turn around and put his hands behind his back, she cuffs him.

All the rape victims have in common that they have an ex that would have wanted to get back at them. Muncy and Churlish walk in with Elias Olsen in handcuffs. He admits he did it because Mark bumped into him and didn’t say sorry.

Churlish tells Benson she got a call from the lab, OC is working two murders, DNA from both murders matched one of their rapes, Maria Vargas, Elliot Stabler is the lead detective on the case. All of a sudden here is broken glass, Elias smashed he window and Muncy was outside, he tries to strangle her but the pull him away.

Benson meets with Stabler, they agree the last time they met wasn’t a good time for either of them. She shows him a photo of the alleged rapist, Stabler knows him, he got furloughed from Green Haven. She tells him about the selfies, and he says it is like he is trying to prove to someone that he did, revenge for hire.



Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-04-24