IHSAA Volleyball
Revised Monday, Aug. 26, 2002
The IHSAA is experimenting with volleyball rally scoring rules during the 2002-03 volleyball season. Each member school shall report data collected during the season, which will assist the National Federation in determining the effectiveness of this type of format. The philosophy behind the use of rally scoring has several aspects. It is designed to make the game of volleyball fan friendly by encouraging constant action and increasing the number of critical plays.
Match Format
1. The rally scoring format will be in effect throughout the 2002-03 IHSAA tournament series.
2. All regular season matches shall use the rally scoring format.
3. Regular Season Varsity Matches
All varsity matches shall be best three out of five games. Games shall be played to 21 points, and the winning team must win by two points (play to a 25 point cap). A team which has scored 21 points and has a least a two point advantage is the winner. If the leading team does not have a two point advantage, play shall continue until one team has a two point advantage, or one team scores the 25th point. The fifth and deciding game shall be played to 15 points, and the winning team must win by two points.
4. Regular Season Varsity Tournaments
Tournaments that provide teams the opportunity to participate in more than two matches per day shall be played in the following manner:
a. Schools will play the best two out of three games
b. The games shall be played to 21 points
c. The winner must win by 2 points (play to a 25 point cap). A team which has scored 21 points and has a least a two point advantage is the winner. If the leading team does not have a two point advantage, play shall continue until one team has a two point advantage, or one team scores the 25th point.
5. Junior Varsity and Freshman Matches and Tournaments
All junior varsity and freshman matches and tournaments shall be best two out of three games. Games shall be played to 21 points, and the winning team must win by two points (play to a 25 point cap). A team which has scored 21 points and has a least a two point advantage is the winner. If the leading team does not have a two point advantage, play shall continue until one team has a two point advantage, or one team scores the 25th point. The third and deciding game of a freshmen or junior varsity match is also played to 21 points.
The Game
1. The home team selects home court. The winner of the toss may elect to serve or receive.
2. In rally scoring, a point is awarded upon the completion of every play.
3. The net serve shall be incorporated. If the ball is served, makes contact with the net and lands on the serving teams side, the receiving team receives a point and the serve. If the ball is served, makes contact with the net and lands on the receiving teams side, the ball is in play.
4. Substitutions shall be limited to 18 per game.
5. Each team is limited to two time-outs per game. An additional time-out shall be permitted when each team has scored 20 points during a 21-point game, or 14 points during a 15-point game.
6. During the regular season, players may not participate in more than five games, Varsity, JV, etc., against the same school in any one day. Players may not participate at more than one level of play, Varsity, JV, etc., in a given tournament.
7. The maximum number of season matches for a team or student is unchanged from previous years. A team or student may participate in up to 25 matches plus two tournaments, with no more than 9 matches per calendar week and/or four matches in any one day.
8. There will be no utilization of the libero player as part of this experiment.
9. During the fifth game of the match at the varsity level, or the third game of the match at the JV or freshman level, a coin toss between the captains of each team shall be conducted. The visiting captain shall call the toss. The winner of the toss shall choose either to serve/receive or the playing area. The loser of the toss shall be given the remaining choice.
Because of the change to rally scoring, the process of scorekeeping will be somewhat different than in past years. The IHSAA will provide training to coaches, officials, and scorekeepers during the 2002 Volleyball Rules Interpretation meetings that will take place in August. In addition to this training, a new volleyball score sheet will be posted on the IHSAA web site (www.ihsaa.org). Coaches will be able download the format for use throughout the season.
NFHS Statistics
A condition of participating in the NFHS experiment is that member schools must gather and submit statistics for regular season varsity matches. The items that our state will report are listed below:
1. The number of net serves per game
2. The starting and ending times of each match
3. The score of each game
4. The number of substitutions per game
5. The total number of student-athletes participating in each game
Instructions regarding reporting procedures will be issued during the IHSAA rules interpretation meetings.