Fans feel proud as BTS' Jin becomes the commander of his unit of 200 soldiers

BTS' Jin successfully enlisted in the military in December 2022. While fans are sad about not seeing the singer with the rest of the group, they are thrilled to witness Jin learning new things at the training center.
In a recent update from Yeoncheon Military Training Center, the newly released pictures of the latest recruits participating in the CBR training featured BTS' Jin learning how to launch a hand grenade at the target. In another image, he is seen getting his face washed after the training routine.
Meanwhile, in another released photo of the Epiphany singer, fans noticed a badge on his uniform that denotes that he is the commander of his unit with 200 soldiers, even though he is still completing his basic training for the military.
As it happens, Korean netizens and fans from across the globe are proud of the BTS vocalist and cannot stop praising him for his new achievement. Additionally, K-ARMYs (BTS fandom name) further explained the meaning behind the badge and what it means to be the commander of an army.
"We will wait for you Jin": ARMYs feel happy seeing BTS' Jin become the commander of his military unit
Korean fans pointed out that BTS' Jin has all the qualities to become the leader of his pack in the army. Since the Abyss singer is hardworking, determined, athletic, and intelligent, it's obvious why he was picked for this position.
Korean fans further shared that to get the position of leader, one needs to possess great physical strength, have a loud voice, have problem-solving skills, and be socially active. Jin now has the authority to command over a team of 200 soldiers, meaning he will represent the entire group. As such, he will now listen to their problems and reports on the platoon and speak on his unit's behalf.
The commander is picked by a voting system where all the trainees vote, meaning BTS' Jin was chosen by his fellow-trainee soldiers. Korean fans also shared that commanders are well-respected by army seniors and other trainees need to respect them as well. Moreover, the Abyss singer now has a higher chance of getting awarded at graduation.
The eldest BTS member also earned praise for participating in the CBR (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) training when he could easily skip it since he is a popular celebrity. They are also lauding him for his cool and responsible nature.
Born Kim Seok-jin, the BTS member is expected to be discharged from South Korea's mandatory military service on June 12, 2024. He is the first member of BTS to enlist, and will soon be followed by the remaining members.
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