
Dance Moms Recap Jill Plays the Blame Game: Season 6 Episode 10 Abby Lee Horror Story

Dance Moms Recap - Jill Plays the Blame Game: Season 6 Episode 10 "Abby Lee Horror Story"

Tonight on Lifetime Abby Lee Miller’s Dance Moms continues with an all new Tuesday March 8 season 6 episode 10 called, “Abby Lee Horror Story,” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the ALDC travels to Northern California, where they perform dark routines. Later, the moms’ attempt to play a prank backfires.

On the last episode Brynn and Maddie went up against Kalani and Kendall in a duet competition, but the moms had to take care of Kalani when her back injury started to hurt. Later, Ashlee took the opportunity to fill in for Abby’s recently-fired office manager. Did you watch the episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the Lifetime synopsis, “the ALDC travels to Northern California, where they perform dark routines. Later, the moms’ attempt to play a prank backfires; Maddie, Brynn and Kendall compete in solo dances; and Ashlee goes to great lengths to give Brynn an advantage.”

Tonight’s episode is going to be another drama packed evening, which you won’t want to miss. So be sure to tune in for our live coverage of Lifetime’s Dance Mom’s season 6 episode 10– tonight at 9 PM EST! While you wait for our recap, hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about this new episode of Dance Moms tonight!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#DanceMoms starts with the tech guys talking about the moms and Abby not being on set but the girls are there without them. The producer goes to talk to them and says if they don’t hear from the moms, it will just be Brynn and Ashlee on camera.

Ashlee says the moms left her out and she has no idea where they are. Abby comes in and asks what’s happening and Ashlee says she has no clue. Ashlee is secretly pleased. The producers tell them the moms dropped the kids off and aren’t here.

The producers say no kids on camera without moms. Abby says the moms have gone on strike before and it only hurts their children. Abby says everyone is replaceable. She tells Brynn to go warm up and they’ll start rehearsing.

Abby jokes she’s been trying to get them to not show up for six years. Gianna is there and Abby says the other moms are being so disrespectful. Abby says the solos are three famous deaths in Hollywood. She says she already decided to give on to Brynn and it’s Black Dahlia.

She tells Gianna to go work with her. Abby isn’t sure Brynn should be on the team since she doesn’t get along with the other kids. Gianna shows her some info on the Black Dahlia and says the story is horrifying. Gianna tells her that her body was cut almost in half.

Brynn says it’s disgusting and is shocked when Gianna says it really happened. Ashlee goes to see as she’s told the moms are finally there. The other moms tell her they had stuff to do and Ashlee says they don’t need four more Abbys.

Jessa says Abby isn’t fair to them and always show up late so they are in their pajamas like when Abby shows up. The girls laugh at the PJs. They tell them they can’t be on camera when the moms aren’t there. Jill says this is the first time they came late.

Jill says they wanted to keep Abby waiting. Abby comes out and Jill says they got caught up and couldn’t get out of bed. Abby says she knows they’re making fun of her but doesn’t care. Ashlee says Abby was dressed and there for pyramid.

She tells the other moms they missed choreography time. Jill asks why Brynn got a solo and Abby says their kids were in the dressing room. Jill thinks Ashlee should have talked to production about letting the other girls dance.

Ashlee says if they showed up, it’s not an issue. Ashlee says now they have less time because of them. Abby says time out. Ashlee says their pajama prank didn’t work and Jill turns everything against her. Ashlee says this is my fault for being here on time.

Abby says the girls don’t win because of the mom’s craziness. Jill says Ashlee is not a dance mom and is a puppet. Ashlee says go to hell and says it’s their fault for not showing up. Jill says just walk away and cry and she does.

Ashlee tells Brynn the other moms think this is all her fault. Brynn doesn’t think she should be in trouble for the other moms. Ashlee says they’re just jealous and says this is the worst thing she’s ever had to do. She tells Brynn to work her butt off if she wants to stay there.

Abby comes in and tells them it’s late and Wednesday and they have a competition on Saturday. She says the group won last week and she thought they were all good. Pyramid has Kalani at the bottom then Kendall, Nia, Mackenzie. The next level is JoJo and Brynn.

Abby says Brynn would have been up there next to Maddie but her face was weak in the group. Maddie is at the top and Abby says she was excellent in the duet and the group routine. She says Brynn followed Maddie’s lead.

Maddie is happy to be back on top but thinks Brynn should have been at the top too. They are traveling to San Jose for New York Dance Experience. She says the competition will be fierce. Brynn got a solo and Abby says hers is Black Dahlia.

Maddie also got a solo and hers is Lizzie Borden. She says Lizzie killed her mother with an ax. The third solo goes to Kendall and it’s on Natalie Wood. Jill says why. Abby says Kendall is a great group dancer but she chokes on solos. Jill starts bitching right away and Abby says she’s playing victim.

Jill says Kendall never gets enough time and attention and Ashlee says Jill is just upset that Kendall is competing against Maddie and Brynn. Kendall thinks she won’t win this week because the other girls will get more.

Abby says Kira cleared Kalani to dance so they will all do the group routine. They are doing a number on a cult and brainwashing. The group rehearsal starts. Ashlee says she thinks the moms are a cult of hypocrites. Jessa thinks Ashlee took advantage of their lateness to get close to Abby.

Jessa calls her manipulative. Ashlee says this has nothing to do with her so they should have just showed up. Jessa calls her a crazy competitive dance mom. Ashlee says they will never accept her anyway. Maddie is excited about her Lizzie Borden solo.

Melissa is happy that Maddie is back and hopes she wins first place this week and axes the competition. Abby tells Maddie she needs to be freaky and Maddie says the pressure can be nerve wracking. Ashlee says Brynn and Maddie’s solos are creepy.

Ashlee says Abby is engaged with her solo and Melissa says she was in with Maddie that long too. Jill says Ashlee sabotaged the other kids. Ashlee says just show up on time and Jill gets mad. Kendall now does her solo rehearsal. Abby gives her some feedback but is on her phone.

Now it’s the group rehearsal. Jessa worries that the girls won’t pull this off in this time. Jill reminds Ashlee that Brynn isn’t on the team. Jill says she thinks they’re evil and wants to be in their cult. Abby says she can’t think.

Abby snaps and goes outside and tells the moms they are trying to fix the routine. She says they can stop now because she won’t go on like this all day. She says the girls posture needs fixed and she can’t focus because of them.

It’s competition day and Abby says she’s nervous but is pleased by the excellent routines. They are told the elevators are shut down because of permit issues. Abby didn’t come down to the room they’re prepping in because she doesn’t want to deal with the stairs.

Ashlee is nervous because Abby is too lazy to come downstairs and work with the girls. Jill complains about Brynn’s solo and says she only got it by default since they didn’t show up. The girls come in and Ashlee says she knows they’re so jealous.

The soloists look scary and Abby says she wants them to be disturbing and show what ALDC is all about. Ashlee says she thinks Brynn is competing against Maddie’s name. Brynn’s Black Dahlia routine is first. Abby gives thumbs up as she dances then cheers loudly when she’s done.

Then there’s judge feedback who says the music wasn’t dark enough. The others tell her that her lines are great and she needs more acting. That’s what Abby says too. They tell her she’s phenomenal. Next up is Kendall’s Natalie Wood.

Kendall’s done and he rmom cheers. One judge says she didn’t feel it when it started and says she needs to tell a story. Jill says Kendall had a hard time emotionally this season with Brynn coming in and all the disruption.

Next is Maddie’s solo. Abby watches closely and films her. It’s fierce. The crowd cheers. Her feedback is that she’s gorgeous and scary and has amazing technique. Melissa says Maddie was beyond anyone she’s seen on stage. Abby gives the soloists hugs.

Jill says they were all great then asks what Abby thought. Abby says technically they all looked great. Jill thanks Abby for the solo for Kendall. Then she sends them to get ready for group. Ashlee asks the girls if they know what a cult is.

The moms then talk about how they’re kind of like a cult and Abby is the cult leader that looms over them. Mackenzie says the moms are just fighting and she’s ready to drink the Kool-Aid but doesn’t even know what it is or means.

Now it’s the group routine. Jessa thinks it’s tough since they lost a day of rehearsal. Abby is worried about timing on this routine. She says it will be great or a hot mess. The timing seems off particularly Kalani and Mackenzie.

But the judges tell them the opening sequence was good and the emotions were good. Abby says the judges were on the money with their remarks and now it’s awards time. Brynn takes second place in solos. Jessa is smug and says Brynn isn’t all that.

Now it’s teen solos and Kendall takes second in teens. Ashlee remarks that Brynn had a much higher score. Maddie takes first place with a perfect score. Jill says she’s proud of Kendall and says being second to Maddie is fine since that’s what Abby wanted.

ALDC takes first with a score of 297. They asked who choreographed it and they say Abby and Gianna. Jill says she was nervous about them losing a day of rehearsal but it worked out. Jill says maybe the ALDC being a cult isn’t a bad thing and Jessa says it’s a cult of winners.

Abby comes out and congratulates the girls and Ashlee brings over Kool-Aid for them to drink. Abby toasts them all.



Patria Henriques

Update: 2024-05-07