Boxing: Floyd Mayweather and why he hates Mexican "Cleto Reyes" gloves

Floyd Mayweather Jr. is one of the references in boxing over the last decades, but so are the gloves of the Mexican brand Cleto Reyes, and the American is clear about his reasons for detesting them.
Next to Everlast, Cleto Reyes is the leading brand for elite boxers around the planet to use as their main tool to practice the discipline. Mohamed Ali or Julio César Chávez wore them with great pride and always had good words for their work tools.
Why Mayweather can't stand the Cleto Reyes gloves
Inside the gloves there is a material that is not to the liking of Floyd Mayweather, since this brand is well known for using horsehair on the knuckles, specifically horsehair, a material that protects the fighter but at the same time is less cushioning than the foam used by most of his competitors.
This main characteristic of Cleto Reyes has led the brand's gloves to be nicknamed Los Noqueadores, since this thickness of just eight millimeters is less dense than the foam, something that favors fighters with greater power in the punch, especially with the constant and fast punching during a fight.
This reason is the one that did not benefit Mayweather's style when he stepped into the ring, although he was a skilled fighter in defense, every punch with this material could have made things more difficult for him, because of his counterpunching style.
When Mayweather faced Conor McGregor, he refused to let the Irishman use the Cleto Reyes brand, and ended up wearing the Everlast brand.
Another anecdote that makes the Cleto Reyes brand famous is when the mythical Rocky Balboa wore them on the big screen.