
Avalanche winger Valeri Nichushkin's wife Svetlana shares images from "most beautiful and delicious

Colorado Avalanche winger Valeri Nichushkin and his wife Svetlana recently enjoyed a picturesque vacation in Aspen, Colorado. Svetlana shared their delightful moments on Instagram, expressing her love for the fall season and Aspen's stunning landscapes.

Svetlana explained they go there to get inspired by the area's natural beauty and enjoy the delicious offerings it provides.

Avalanche winger's wife captioned (Translated to English),

"My love of fall started here. It's already a tradition to return to Aspen in October, just to walk around and get inspired by the landscapes. The most beautiful and delicious place in the U.S.A."

Aspen, nestled in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, is renowned for its year-round attractions, including skiing, outdoor adventures, high-end dining and boutique shopping.

Notable landmarks like the historic Wheeler Opera House, built during the silver mining boom in 1889, and the Wheeler-Stallard House, a local history museum in a 19th-century Queen Anne–style home, add to its charm. Additionally, the Aspen Art Museum is a hub for culture and recreation, as it has contemporary artworks.

A look at Avalanche winger and Svetlana's relationship

Avalanche winger Valeri Nichushkin and Svetlana tied the knot in a memorable ceremony in Dubrovnik, Croatia, back in June 2018. Svetlana, also known as Lana, hails from Russia and has a background in gymnastics and modeling.

She pursued her education at the International Academy of Business and Management and has since ventured into fashion with her lingerie and swimwear brand, Lavarice.

Their relationship began in 2014, and their honeymoon in Sardinia, Italy, marked the start of their journey as a married couple. While Valeri is a well-known figure in the sports world, Svetlana is carving her niche in the fashion industry.

Lavarice, her brand, emphasizes quality, beauty, and comfort in lingerie and swimwear. It strives to make these elegant pieces accessible to all women, utilizing advanced production methods and thoughtful designs to ensure top-tier products.

Svetlana's vision is to provide exquisite lingerie and swimwear options that empower and celebrate every girl's beauty.

The Avalanche winger's early NHL career marred by injuries

Valeri Nichushkin's NHL journey has been marked by great potential and challenges. The Russian forward was the 10th overall pick of the Dallas Stars in the 2013 NHL Draft. His rookie season in 2013-14 was impressive, recording 34 points in 79 games.

Unfortunately, his early career was hindered by injuries, including groin and hip issues during the subsequent season. These injuries eventually required hip surgery and restricted his playing time.

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Sebrina Pilcher

Update: 2024-05-04