20th anniversary RENT tour is hitting the UK

Recently it was announced that the hit musical RENT will open at Theatre Clwyd for a limited amount of time from October.
For the 20th anniversary, we are treated with this, followed by a three-week tour, prior to a Christmas Season at St. James Theatre, London from 8th December 2016 to 28 January 2017. It will be followed by a tour next year.
Winner of three Tony Awards including best musical and best original score, the show is about living for the moment, falling in love and finding your own voice.
RENT is slightly based on Puccini’s La Boheme and follows a year in the life of a group of friends finding it hard to make it in the big city under the shadow of AIDS/HIV.
The new production is set to be directed by Bruce Guthrie with an outstanding cast including: Ross Hunter as Roger Davis, Billy Cullum as Mark Cohen, Ryan O’Gorman as Tom Collins, Shanay Holmes as Joanne Jefferson, just to name a few. The cast will also include Katie Bradley, Bobbie Little, Jenny O’Leary and Kevin Yates!
RENT includes some well known hits from a well-loved score such as Seasons of Love, Take Me Or Leave Me, One Song Glory, Without You, Out Tonight, I Should Tell You, and, the one and only, Rent.
We are so excited to hear this news at CelebMix and already know that it will be amazing! So, are you planning to go and see it live? Are you excited? Tweet us @CelebMix on Twitter!